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Creator Sourcing

Connecting you with the perfect influencers for your event:

  • Influencer Research

  • Outreach and Negotiation

  • Contract Management

A comprehensive package for influencer collaboration

where we connect you with the perfect influencers to elevate your event to new heights. 


Influencer Research

Finding the right influencers to align with your event's theme, brand, and target audience is crucial for success. Our team specializes in identifying and researching influencers who resonate with your event's vision and goals. Whether you're looking for fashionistas, foodies, or fitness gurus, we'll curate a selection of influencers who are the perfect fit for your event.


Outreach and Negotiation

Once we've identified potential influencers, we'll take care of all outreach and negotiation on your behalf. we'll handle the entire process to secure their participation in your event. Our team has extensive experience in influencer relations, ensuring that we can secure the best possible partnerships to maximize the impact of your event.


Contract Management

Managing contracts between your client and selected influencers can be complex and time-consuming. With our Creator Sourcing service, we take care of all aspects of contract management, facilitating the creation and management of contracts to ensure that all parties are clear on their roles and responsibilities. 

If you’d like more information about our Creator Sourcing service, get in touch today.

Here's how it works:

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